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News: Get Dinner Delivered to You from Almost Any Restaurant with These Apps

Whether you were exposed to the COVID-19 virus or just taking precautionary measures, self-quarantining is a tremendous disruption for anyone. Still, we all have to eat, pandemic or not. But unless you like eating canned food for two weeks, you're going to want to explore other options. That's why food delivery apps are going to be so necessary during such a hectic and uncertain time.

How To: Reply to Texts on Your AirPods Without Siri Reading Out Your Messages

Your iPhone's "Announce Messages with Siri" feature is pure Apple. If you have a pair of connected AirPods (2nd generation or newer), Siri can read your messages to you as they come in, and you can say "Reply" to send one back. However, that natural flow is disrupted once Siri reads back your drafted text — but you can disable it to make the process smooth all the way through.

News: Envision Accepting Pre-Orders for Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 with AI Software to Assist the Visually Impaired

Computer vision is a key component in enabling augmented reality experiences, but now it can help give sight to the blind as well. In this case, that assistance comes from Envision, developers of mobile apps for iOS and Android that use optical character recognition (OCR) and object detection to provide an audio description of the user's surroundings.

News: The Best Microphones for Your Podcast & Voiceover Recordings

The landscape of podcasting has exploded in recent years, with everyone from dedicated longtime podcasters reaching the mainstream spotlight, to traditional media personalities moving from TV, radio, and newspapers to grab a slice of the listening pie. The good news is that the barrier to entry is relatively low, so even if you're not a celebrity or media luminary, you can still get your voice out there by starting a podcast.

News: UK Wireless Giant Three Promos 5G for AR, VR, & Smartphones with Wild Sci-Fi Video That's Better Than Some Movies

The entire wireless industry is working overtime to convince the world that 5G, and the higher prices associated with the faster speeds it affords, will not only be worth it but will deliver never-before-seen wonders. But few companies have produced such a stunningly well-done sales job as Three, one of the leading wireless giants in the UK.

How To: Tame Out of Control Notifications on Your iPhone in Seconds with This Quick Move

When left unmaintained, lock screen notifications can be an overwhelming, chaotic mess. Alerts coming in at a rapid pace can be hard to see because there are just too many of them, and your iPhone's screen sometimes can't even take it, falling asleep before you can read only a few notifications. If that sounds like you, there's an easy way to take back control of alerts — and your sanity.

News: Apple Releases Fourth iOS 13.4 Public Beta for iPhone Today

With today's release of iOS 13.4 developer beta 4, it seems Apple is closer than ever to releasing the official build for its upcoming iOS update. If you've been following the beta closely, you know that means new Memoji stickers, CarKey API support, and Mail toolbar updates, in addition to general bug fixes. Public testers can now take that extra step, as Apple just released 13.4 public beta 4 today.

How To: Pause Music with Your Pixel's Motion Sense Radar Gestures

When Google first launched the Pixel 4, it was and still is the only phone in existence that uses a radar system for motion gestures. Yes, that radar — the same kind of motion-sensing technology used in the military for years — is available on our phones. The Pixel 4 did come with a gesture to let you change songs without touching the phone itself, but you can now pause your music just the same.

How To: Set Up Car Crash Detection on Your Pixel to Contact Emergency Services When You Can't

Google's push for your safety gained some much-needed attention when it released the Pixel 4 smartphone. It has an app called "Personal Safety," which uses the array of built-in sensors on your phone to detect if you've been in a car crash. The futuristic safety feature was exclusive to the Pixel 4 initially but is now available to all Pixel owners as well.

News: Apple Releases iOS 13.4 Developer Beta 4 for iPhone

March is looking to be an eventful month for Apple. Even with coronavirus throwing the tech industry into uncertainty, we still expect Apple to release the iPhone SE 2, the long-awaited follow up to the iPhone SE. Is it possible we'll also see iOS 13.4 fully released this month? We wouldn't be surprised if we do, seeing as Apple just released its fourth developer beta.

News: If You Have Philips Hue Bulbs, This $25 Accessory Is a MUST

I got my first Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance bulbs because they're the consensus best of the best for colored lighting. But after spending 90 bucks on two light bulbs, when it came to all the accessories like switches and buttons, I went with cheaper third party options. Little did I know, I was overlooking a great first-party accessory with a surprisingly reasonable price.

How To: Use Spotify Voice Commands to Play Artists, Playlists & More on Your Phone

Spotify launched an experimental feature in early-2018 called Spotify Voice, a voice assistant that lives right in the app. It lets you speak to quickly find and play your favorite songs, albums, artists, videos, and podcasts on the music streaming service. Although the feature was initially only available on iOS, it's been ported over to Android so that anyone can take advantage of it.

How To: Your iPhone's Flashlight Doesn't Have to Be That Bright

Have you ever been to a hip restaurant with horrible lighting? You need your iPhone's flashlight just to read the menu. Of course, sometimes the light comes off too bright, blinding the people next to you. But don't settle for a flashlight that's too bright. You can choose from four different brightness levels instead, to perfectly fit your situation.

News: Apple Releases iOS 13.4 Developer Beta 3 for iPhone, Introduces First Evidence of Internet-Based 'OS Recovery' Mode

So far, iOS 13.4 hasn't been a disappointment. From new Memoji stickers, a refreshed Mail toolbar, and even the beginnings of controlling your car with your iPhone, Apple's latest iOS update is looking like a good one. That's why we're excited that Apple just released the third 13.4 developer beta today, one week after the release of the second one.