Gadget Hacks How-Tos
How To: Upload your own videos to YouTube
Do you have a video that you want to share with the world? Learn how to sign up for a YouTube account, adjust your account settings, and upload new videos to YouTube.
How To: Use the iPhone pedometer
Count how many steps you take with your iPhone and the Pedometer application.
How To: Download your favorite TV shows to your computer
Use a torrent to download your favorite TV shows to your PC or Mac computer. You can also set up RSS feeds to get the newest episodes.
How To: Break your iPhone software
This is a terrible prank to pull on a friend. Destroy their iPhone software with a couple of quick hacks.
How To: Make your computer a webserver using XAMPP
XAMPP is a free install program you can use to turn your computer into a web server. This video also has a installation guide for XAMPP
How To: Translate languages using Google Firefox Extension
A video tutorial on how to simply translate any word using Google Translate Firefox Extension by alt-clicking. A great way to translate from any language to any other language.
How To: Make simple solar panels
Want to build your own DIY solar panels on the cheap? This video demonstrates how to make solar panels to power devices. The video explains how a solar panel works and how to connect it to a radio in order to power it. For more on this hack, including step-by-step instructions for recreating it yourself, watch this eco-friendly hacking how-to.
How To: Create a secure password
From email to online banking, you never want someone poking around in your personal information. Learn what to avoid when creating passwords, and try these tips to keep your passwords safe and secure.
How To: Wire up a 555 timer chip with a pulsing buzzer
See how to make a 555 timer chip with a pulsing buzzer. Parts:
How To: Use HP's Smart Web Printing for green printing
From Smart Web Printing to recyclable HP inkjet cartridges, it's never been easier to be environmentally conscious.
How To: Print from the Internet with HP's Smart Web Printing
Print what you want, how you want. While browsing, choose the content you want then edit and print exactly what you see on your screen..
How To: Make a wind powered LED pinwheel
This is a video tutorial that explains how to make a wind powered LED out of a pinwheel and an old VCR. Why have just a pinwheel when you can have an LED pinwheel?
How To: Get drop down bookmarks in Firefox and Safari
A simple tutorial demonstrating how to get bookmarks that drop down. A very useful thing to have.
How To: Make your own webserver free and fast with Apache
This video shows how to make your own webserver to share files or host websites for anyone on the net to access for free, in under 7 minutes using Apache, which is free software.
How To: Apply to the Google books partner program
Learn how to apply for a Google Books Partner Program account, which allows you to submit your content for display on Google Book Search.
How To: Trace an IP or URL address to their starting location
This video will show you how you can trace IP address or websites to a specific location using Windows command functions.
How To: Hack your Maglite flashlight into a brighter one
See how to hack a two "D" cell Maglite to make it much brighter. This is a cheap but very power light of 700-800+ lumens, brighter than other hacks.
How To: Make an Infrared Mask to Hide Your Face from Cameras
This how-to video shows how you can hack a standard baseball cap into a cool invisible IR mask to hide your face from cameras anywhere, and look perfectly normal to the human eye! You have to admire a technically accomplished hacker. Now don't go out a rob a bank or anything. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to camera-proof your face with a creepy infrared mask.
How To: Make a floppy disk USB flash drive
Here is a video tutorial on how to make a USB Drive from a Floppy Disk.
How To: Turn an wireless X10 camera into a helmet cam
See how to make an X10 wireless security camera into a nice helmet cam on the cheap in this three-part video. All it takes is an X10 camera, ten bucks in parts, and two hours of your time.
How To: Install and use Tortoise CVS
A tutorial on how to download and install tortoise CVS. A very blurry screen but vocal instructions help to guide you through the process.
How To: Install the drupal framework
Basic installation of Drupal on a web server from start to finish with good explanations of Drupal's framework. Tutorial assumes viewer knows basic FTP and database configuration.
How To: Install Joomla CMS using the wamp and jumpbox method
Screencast video tutorial of the setup and installation of Joomla! content management system using the WAMP stack method and the JumpBox method.
How To: Upload a video onto metacafe
A visual tutorial on how to upload a video to
How To: Stop junk mail from flooding your mailbox
A few quick easy steps to stop the junk mail from coming to your home.
How To: Cartoonize your photos at
Cartoonize and warp your pictures using the tools at - this video shows you how.
How To: Create unorthodoxed E-cards at
This website ( is full of interesting e-cards that say what you really think instead of sugar coating it. Have fun with this one :-)
How To: Make Youtube compilations on allows you to take videos from YouTube, Google Videos, etc and lets you cut them and splice them together to make a single video from multiple ones.
How To: Download music and videos with MusicZilla
With the help of the free program MusicZilla, you can download pretty much any streaming music and videos that you come across on the internet.
How To: Access free WiFi by making your own antenna
With a few simple supplies you can create a wifi antenna with 15db gain.
How To: Make a laser from your computer's DVD drive
Here, in a silent video (that means no sound), you'll see the steps to creating your own laser from some wire and your old DVD drive from your computer. You can always tear apart a good computer too, but that's just stupid.
How To: Build an alarm system in under three minutes
This is a DIY (do-it-yourself) alarm system. Try building it in under three minutes!
How To: Make a homemade television antenna
With some simple household materials and about 30-60 minutes of your time, you can make a working antenna for your TV!
How To: Build a pulse motor
See how to build a pulse motor with just one transistor and one diode.
How To: Assemble a simple motor together
See the assembly and run of a very basic electric motor. Just get all that you need and put it together, just like in this video. The battery, the coil, the magnets -- they're all just waiting for you to make a motor out of them.
How To: Build an awesome electric motor
This is a sweet video showing you how to make a sick electric motor! You'll need some wood, a battery, and some PVC pipe, along with a few other things, and you'll be on your way to making that perfect electric motor of yours.
How To: Make an electric circuit board
See how to make a cool electric circuit board with a software program and some skills. You can do it too, if you follow along.
How To: Make an electric toothbrush out of a vibrator
Can't afford a real electric toothbrush? Have one too many vibrating dildos lying around the house? Well, just tape your toothbrush to one of those suckers and start brushing!
How To: Make a great ten buck television antenna
Make a great TV antenna for just ten dollars worth of items you can find in your home! This will make a better than average antenna to replace those expensive ones at the store.
How To: Make a pair of headlight slippers
Pimp out your favorite pair of slippers to be as useful in the night as they are in the day. This is a fun and cheap little project for making headlight slippers, that way you don't trip and fall down the stairs at night, or stub your toe.