Gadget Hacks How-Tos

How To: Use codecs to prep video for the web

This tutorial will help give viewers a good understanding of how Video and Audio CODECS work. If you are encoding content for web streaming this lesson will benefit you. In this example the guide uses the MPEG-4 Part 2 and MPEG-4 Part 10 ( H.264/AVC) codecs to illustrate how to make sure your end users can view your streaming videos. Scroll part way down the page and click the "watch this video" link. Use codecs to prep video for the web.

How To: Use wget to manage downloads

The free download manager wget lets you download all the files on a page or directory with a single command. It also allows you to resume downloads after getting disconnected letting you start where you left off instead of starting the download at 0% again. Check out this tutorial and see how to install and use wget.

How To: Improve your download speed

The key to understanding download speeds and if it's possible to improve yours, is really to understand that you want to increase your bandwith. Check out this video and see how to learn about bandwith, kilobytes and kilobits per second and improve your own download speeds.

How To: Make infrared goggles

Kip Kay of Make Magazine will teach you how to turn welding goggles into infrared goggles with the hack he outlines in this how-to video. The entire project only costs $10. To replicate this hack at home and build your own pair of steampunk infrared goggles, follow along with the steps in this video tutorial. Just don't look at the sun!