Hot Gadget Hacks How-Tos
How To: Use a Keylogger to Record What Friends Do on Your Android
With recent security breaches in the news, there is no better time than the present to make sure you know exactly what's happening on your device.
Blue Screen of Death: Prank Your Friend's Precious Android Phone with Fake Viruses
It's time for another mobile prank. The classic pranks and practical jokes are always great, but let's hit your friends where it really hurts—their precious (and expensive) smartphones. And what better way to scare the shit out of them than making them believe their phone's been infected by malware?
How To: Enable Tab Webpage Previews in Every Web Browser
Tab previews—you can do it on an iPhone or an Android device, so why not on your Mac or PC? It's about time you take your browsing game to the next level and learn how to toggle between previews of your tabbed webpages.
How To: Unlock Android Lollipop's Hidden Battery Percentage Icon in the Status Bar
When a big company (Google) concentrates on big things (Auto, TV, Wear), some of the smaller aspects of their design can be overlooked. Just as we saw in Android KitKat, battery percentage information is absent from the status bar. While we were able to enable a hidden setting to show that all-important number in KitKat, you could see why it was never enabled—the white text on the white battery icon made it nearly impossible to read.
How To: Get the Most Out of Your Nexus 5's Camera
Google recently updated the camera software for the Nexus 5, and in doing so, made the app available to all devices running Android KitKat. This means that not only do we get a nice new camera interface on our phones, but we also get the benefit of an expanded development community.
How To: Unlock the Hidden Notification History Menu on Your Nexus 5
Have you ever been a little overzealous in dismissing notifications on your Nexus 5? Perhaps you missed your target and swiped away the notification you meant to read later. Or maybe you simply hit the "Clear All" button when you really meant to tap the button that switches to the Quick Settings tiles.
How To: Send Just About Anything from Your Phone to Your TV via Chromecast
As the Chromecast becomes more and more popular (it's even available overseas now), the market has seen an avalanche of Chromecast-compatible apps. We can play games, cast TV stations, and even mirror our screens, but today I'm going to show you a multifaceted tool that'll do everything from broadcasting your camera to displaying your documents.
How To: The Safe & Secure Way to Get Your Phone to Remember Your App Passwords
LastPass is a password manager that's been around for some time, and has finally made its way over to Android for use with apps, not just websites.
How To: This "Search by Photo" App for iPhone Blows Google Goggles Out of the Water
A picture is worth a thousand words, and depending on what you're taking a picture of, it could be worth a lot more. Our phone's camera can easily capture high quality photos, scan barcodes, and make us Instagram famous. You can compare prices of items and download applications just by scanning a QR code. Of course, we can always do this stuff a little bit better on our iPhones.
How To: View Cellular & Wi-Fi Data Speeds from the Status Bar of Your Samsung Galaxy Note 3
I have Verizon, America's largest 4G LTE network, as my cell service provider, but there are times when I find myself with a pretty shitty signal, rendering my upload and download speeds substantially slower than usual.
How To: Trick Apps That Won't Run if Your Phone Is Rooted into Thinking Its Not on the Galaxy Note 3
As a preventative measure against exploitation, certain Android applications won't work if your device is rooted. Opening one of these apps that detects root will typically end up with a warning and an inability to access its features, like in the picture below. AS IF!
How To: Close Apps on an iPad Mini Running iOS 7
The new Apple iOS 7 is here for your iPad Mini. Closing running apps prevents them from taking up precious memory, resources and battery. Simply quitting an app by pressing the home button doesn't work; the application is still running. Watch the video below to see how to close them completely.
How To: Turn Your Samsung Galaxy S4 into a Personal Ambient Weather Station
The new Samsung Galaxy S4 has something no other phone has ever had before—weather sensors. Older devices like the Galaxy Nexus, S3, Note, and Note 2 do have a atmospheric pressure sensor, aka a barometer. However, they do not have a thermometer or hygrometer like the GS4 does, which measures ambient temperature and humidity.
How To: Get Google's Latest Play Store Redesign on Your Nexus 7 Tablet Right Now
What's the most installed Android app in the world? Facebook? Gmail? Maps? While those all have well over 100 million installs, the one that takes the cake—and always will—is Google Play.
How To: Tired of Paying for Calls & Texts? These 6 Free Apps Can Cut Down Your Cell Phone Bill
Smartphones are great. They help you keep in touch with your loved ones and stay up to date on what's going on in the world. The problem is that like everything else that's useful, they cost money to use, and between calling, texting, and data plans, it can get really expensive.
How To: Nexus 7 Feeling Slow? Here's How You Overclock It for Insane Speeds & Increased Performance
If you're an avid PC gamer, then you're probably well familiar with the term overclocking, which is basically just tweaking your computer hardware to run faster than it was originally intended.
How To: Sync Your Android Text Messages and Phone Calls with Your Web Browser
A lot of people text nonstop, but there are situations where it's either not allowed or considered rude to use your phone. Let's say you're in class or in a meeting at work, band you're expecting an important message or phone call. Rather than trying to check your phone discreetly, wouldn't it be better if you could just see your calls and messages on your computer?
How To: Extend Your Apple iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Battery Performance Between Charges with These Tweaks
Not sold on Apple's iPhone claims of battery performance? I will show you some simple tweaks and tips to reduce that rapid battery drain and extend the use of your iphone between charges -free.
How To: Build Your Own Internet Radio Player, AKA Pandora's Box
Growing up, my family would get together in the living room every Saturday night and gather around my mom's old boombox radio and listen to Disco Saturday Night on 104.3 FM from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. (the show ended in 2008 after 14 years of consecutive shows). The old ladies in the picture below are the best representation of these nights that I could find. Now, the radio is all but dead (just like the old ladies above) in this world of music streaming services and torrenting. All of our music is...
How To: Root Your Android Phone with Z4Root
Rooting your Android phone offers more features (like overclocking). I am not responsible for anything you do. M'kay? I don't know if this will work for all phones, but hopefully it works for you.
How To: Keep the Government Out of Your Smartphone
We use smartphones for just about everything, and while that may be beneficial to us in our day-to-day lives, it can also be used against us in the court of law.
How To: Cut and Sand Your Micro-SIM into a Nano-SIM Card for Your New iPhone 5
Planning on getting the iPhone 5, but want to keep your SIM card? The new nano-SIMs that manufacturers are adopting will be even smaller than the micro-SIMs that most of us currently use. It's fairly easy to cut a regular SIM down to a micro-SIM, but because the nano-SIM will be thinner as well as smaller than the micro, cutting it down to size will require a little more work. Photo by Tech Digest
How To: Create 360 Degree Product Photos on Your iPhone with CupChair
As useful as they can be, 360-degree photos are a total pain to create. The process usually involves taking a bunch of pictures with expensive equipment or software, and not just anyone can do it. But a new iPhone app called CupChair changes everything—it lets you take 360-degree photos with nothing but your iPhone and a cup.
How To: Block RFID Signals, Build an RFID Reader Detector, and Make Custom RFID Tags
RFID chips are everywhere. They're in passports, credit cards, and tons of items you've bought in the last 5 years or so. Big retailers like Walmart started using tracking products with RFID as early as 2004, and today, they're used in everything from mobile payments to hospital record systems. Chances are, unless you're a hermit (in which case you wouldn't be reading this anyway), there's an RFID tag within a few feet of you. Photo by sridgway
How To: Create a simple waterproof case for your iPad or eReader
Are you one of those people who likes to take their books into the bathtub? If you've got an eReader or an Apple iPad, you may be weeping at the inability to soak without junking your reading device. Here's a great and cheap solution for you! All you need is a Ziploc bag.
How To: Take pictures with a camera phone and then send them to email
You don't need to sync your phone to get your pictures. Many phones offer the capability to send photos taken with the camera to send to either someone else or to yourself through email. This tutorial shows you how to send!
How To: Turn on autoscrolling in the Mozilla Firefox web browser with ScrollyFox
Looking for a quick guide on how to use autoscrolling in Firefox? This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at Tekzilla can present a complete overview of the process in about two minutes' time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.
How To: Sync data between a BlackBerry phone and a Windows PC
Want to know how to synch information between your BlackBerry smartphone and your computer? Connect your BlackBerry to your computer with a USB cable and launch BlackBerry Desktop Manager. Configure to taste, then click Next. For a complete video overview of the process, watch this BlackBerry owner's guide.
How To: Use folders to stay organized on iPhone 4G HD
A great new feature available on iPhone 4 is folders. By organizing your apps into folders, you will be able to keep your home screen clean and much less cluttered. This will also allow you to stay organized and have a bit more privacy. Check out this tutorial for a step by step on how to set up and use your new folders.
How To: Delete your Facebook account
In this tutorial, we learn how to delete a Facebook account. First, log onto the internet and log into your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, you will be presented with your home page. Now, click on the account settings on the right hand side and find the button that says you want to cancel your account. Once you have confirmed you want to cancel your account, Facebook will send you an e-mail that asks you to confirm it one last time. After you are done with this, your account will be...
How To: Delete your YouTube account
This video teaches us to delete our YouTube account and permanently disable it. Click on the account name and choose 'Account' from the menu. Click on 'Manage Account' at the left bottom of the screen. Click on 'Delete Account' from the options present there. Type anything in the space provided for the reason for deleting the account. Click on 'Delete Account' button. Click the button again in the window that appears. Now the message appears that 'Account deleted. You will now be logged out'....
How To: Hide games on your Facebook news feed
Facebook is overrun with all sorts of meaningless applications these days. It seems like there's no end to the amount of games people create for Facebook. Keep these games off of your news feed so you can see what really matters to you on Facebook. This video will show how to hide games on your Facebook news feed.
How To: Downgrade from Windows 7 or Vista to Windows XP
Learn how to downgrade and install Windows XP from Vista. You will need a Windows XP disc, a computer, and CD/DVD drive, backup of all files. Be sure to backup all the data before doing this Windows XP will not save your files. Insert your Windows Up disc. Then in the screenGo to devices->CD/DVD devices->Host drive D.Make sure your computer sees the disc. From start menuGo to computer->CD drive D from devices with removable storage. And select run setup.exeThen vista will die and restart your...
How To: Silence the ring on your iPhone
This quick video shows you how to silence the ring on your iPhone in a few simple steps. When a call comes in, all you have to do is just push the sleep button once to silence the ring. If you want to send the call to voicemail, push it twice. You can turn off all sounds with the silent ringer switch.
How To: Make a Pandora battery on 5.50 Gen-B (Full)
Make a Pandora Battery on 5.50 Gen B (full) 1. Make sure you are running on 5.50 Gen-B (full)
How To: Make LED ice cubes
Learn how to make LED ice cubes with this tutorial! Steps:
How To: Reveal blocked numbers
HouseholdHacker reveals the trick to seeing blocked numbers. Find out who is prank calling you or catch a secret admirer with Trap Call:
How To: Make and upload widescreen videos to YouTube
Make the most of your YouTube videos! Watch this video tutorial to see how to make the most out of the YouTube player by uploading widescreen video. Here's how to prepare your videos for widescreen viewing:
How To: Build a simple Van de Graaff generator
Want to build a Van de Graaf electrostatic generator? Who doesn't! This video tutorial will show you how. To follow along at home, you'll need the following items: a rubber band–the longer the better–, a small motor, a small glass object like a Christmas tree light, and some type of plastic roller. For simple, step-by-step instructions, watch this Van de Graaf-buildin' how-to.
How To: Save websites to your Apple iPhone's desktop
Watch this iPhone tutorial video to learn how to use the new web clips function, which lets you save a shortcut to a Web site right to your iPhone desktop. Saving websites to your iPhone desktop will be easy even for new iPhone owners after watching this how-to video.